A friend gave me one of her old computers when I wasn’t able to use my Asus transformer pad to VPN into work. I’ve had my computer for about a year. I wrote my soon-to-be-published book using it. For the last month or two the laptop has sat open on my desk because I was worried it would snap in half if I chose to close it. Turns out I was half right.
I maxed out my credit card for the first time ever (I’ve been throwing money at a health problem for the last couple of months in hopes it would go away) and bought a shiny new Surface 4 with an aqua keyboard. I closed the old laptop (once I’d ascertained that I could indeed VPN into work on my Surface) and one side snapped. My new computer is able to do all the things I had intended my Asus to be able to. This is the computer I’ll use to write my next book.
I’ve started that new book (which is really a complete rewrite of an old book). If I aim for it to be about the same length as Alison then I’m already 15% complete.
I replaced my phone last month too. The way things are going I’m wondering whether a new house and car will be coming soon.