Here’s the truth: I love writing and I don’t love writing. I struggle to get myself to write or I’m lying in bed composing in my head and I have to get up and put it down immediately.
Having a writing companion and a structured time really helped me. I can let myself down, but I can’t let them down. Bonus, if they don’t turn up I feel so virtuous I simply have to write to prove it. If they do turn up and are motivated, I don’t want to deflate their enthusiasm. So, either way, I write.

I will never make you feel virtuous by not turning up (I wouldn’t do that to you!), but you might feel virtuous by actually doing that writing you’ve been promising yourself and everyone around you for years that you’d do.
I imagine it’s like people that go to the gym. Surely none of them want to go, but they do and they feel better for it, they may even enjoy it while they’re there. You don’t have to change clothes, location or get sweaty to write (unless you want to).
I’m gonna go with that metaphor – let’s exercise our brains, our writing muscles, rather than our bodies.
(I would 1000% rather write than exercise)
Not to sound all sales pitchy but maybe one session will set you up, give you the tools to go it alone. Or maybe you’ll be so enchanted with me (or you know the writing structure) that you’ll want to do this again and again.
You may be thinking “you expect me to pay how much?” I hear you, I’ve got options. Check out my shop on Ko-Fi for guided sessions you can do anytime, as often as you like (for as little as $1 and you get to keep it).
Questions? check out the fancy drop down answers below.
– Create some headspace
– Create a writing habit
– Dedicate time to fleshing out that idea
– Accountability, ensuing you turn up and focus
– Structure, do the thing in the specified time
Need a different time, want to organise a group session or something else? Contact me with your requirements
I use TidyCal for scheduling, Draft2Digital to publish my books and GoBrunch for meetings